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Discontent by the numbers: are we all sick of the same things?
Reading time: less than a min.
We’re all sick of something.
Reading time: 4 min
How Do You Talk to Your Neighbors?
Reading time: less than a min.
Who do you consider a neighbor?
Reading time: less than a min.
Why are we so bad at living out the traits we care most about?
Reading time: 3 min
Loving your neighbor is nearly impossible. How can we do it?
Reading time: 4 min
Foot Washing Image Gallery
Reading time: less than a min.
What is foot washing and what does it symbolize?
Reading time: 3 min
How did Jesus step over barriers of race, gender, and stigma on the side of the road?
Reading time: 1 min
Who is my neighbor?
Reading time: 3 min
Jesus used his massive social influence to change hearts and minds, not politics.
How did Jesus make the world bigger?
Jesus was neighborly to all including those outside of his culture.
What do people get wrong about Jesus and what are some small ways we can be more like him?
We all have different definitions of the word neighbor.
Dinner Party Teaser
Jesus’ love was often unexplainable and undeserved. When have you received unexplainable love?
Jesus only chose one label— neighbor.
What in Jesus’ life has surprised you?
Second Language Mona Teaser
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