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Who do you consider a neighbor?

He Gets Us interviews strangers on the street to explore their definition of "neighbor" in the context of Jesus' teachings.

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Why are we so bad at living out the traits we care most about?

The traits Jesus outlines in the Beatitudes as blessed traits are ones most people say they value, but we don’t live them out well. Why the disconnect?

Loving your neighbor is nearly impossible. How can we do it?

Jesus didn’t teach hate. He washed feet. That image tells us a lot about what it means to be a good neighbor.

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Foot Washing Image Gallery

A collection of the 12 foot washing images photographed for our He Gets Us “Love Your Neighbor” advertising campaign.

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What is foot washing and what does it symbolize?

Jesus washed his disciples’ feet to show us how to love our neighbors.

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How did Jesus step over barriers of race, gender, and stigma on the side of the road?

On a journey from city to city, Jesus took an unlikely path through a place most would have avoided, and he had a conversation there that made it very clear where his priorities lay.

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Who is my neighbor?

Jesus said to love our neighbors, but who qualifies as a neighbor?

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Jesus taught us to say hard things.

I’m sorry, I forgive you, I love you—saying some of these might feel like speaking a second language. Why did Jesus say they were important?

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Jesus’ Christmas wasn’t picture-perfect, either.

We’ve seen the perfectly pristine nativity scenes on a shelf, but was the first Christmas as perfect as we make it out to be?
